independent research by Russian Indologist M. I. Mikhailov


Masterpieces of Ancient Indian

Calendar and MegaTime Programming

About this epoch-making research.

It started half a century ago as a study of Indian philosophy. Then it continued as a post graduate study of Kshemendra’s legacy in the perspective of historical relevance of his data. The latter research led me to revaluation of the Indian mythology in the light of observational astronomy.

I dedicated some years to deciphering the Vedic pantheon and came to conclusion that it represents sophisticated astronomical terminology. Descoveries of that research are described in my books. 

M. I. Mikhailov's Books and Translations From Sanskrit

M. I. Mikhailov & N. S. Mikhailova

Key To The Vedas, Part 1, by M.I & N.S.Mikhailov

M. I. Mikhailov & N. S. Mikhailova

Natyashastra. Intro., First Ch., by M. I. Mikhailov, Sveta Barkun

M. I. Mikhailov & Sveta Barkun

Natyashastra. Intro., First Ch., by M. I. Mikhailov, Sveta Barkun

M. I. Mikhailov & Sveta Barkun

Kluch k Vedam by M. I. Mikhailov (Russian)

M. I. Mikhailov i N. S. Mikhailova

Kshemendra Vyasadasa, by M. I. Mikhailov

M. I. Mikhailov

Ramayana, Part I (Russian), Tr. by Mi. I. Mikhailov

Former embassador to Belarus Cander (left) and M.I.Mikhailov


M. I. Mikhailov's Key To The Vedas in 6 Parts (Russian)

M. I. Mikhailov & N. S. Mikhailova

Kljuch k vedam, Vedijskaja zivilizazija, Minsk 2010

M. I. Mikhailov (Russian)

Kljuch k vedam, Tochnie nauki, Minsk 2010

M. I. Mikhailov

Kljuch k vedam, Vedijskaja pismennost', Minsk, 2010

Former embassador to Belarus Cander (left) and M.I.Mikhailov


M. I. Mikhailov's Articles


Vedijskij Metakod: Pingala

Minsk-Vilnjus, 2001, 98 p.

Paper presented at the World Sanskrit Conference in Turino, Italy, 2000


Indijskie literatury

Published in the literary journal Vsemirnaja Literatura, Minsk, 1998


The Secret of the Vedas: the calendar-chronological hypothesis of the genesis of the Vedic songs (Belarusian)

Crivica, Baltica, Indogermanica, Minsk, 1994, Pp. 63-75.


Ecologicheskaja etika v drevnej Indii (Belarusian)

Vieda, Minsk, 1993, Pp. 38-51.

M. I. Mikhailov's Translations From Hindi, and Tamil

M. I. Mikhailov's Translations From Etruscan, Italian and Latin

M. I. Mikhailov's Translations From English

About Us

M. I. Mikhailov, Russian indologist, specialised in ancient Indian literature, translator and editor



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