An interview

Indologist Mikhail Mikhailov, PhD (in History) about New Vedic Hermeneutics

About this interview.

Interview was conducted by His Excellency Manoj Kumar Bharti, Indian Ambassador to Belarus, in Minsk in 2010.


M. I. Mikhailov< Russian Indologist, Minsk, 2010

Belarusian New Vedic Integral Hermeneutics

Pic. 1 Harappan inscription Brahma-Ayu

Brahma-ayum-dodokhmakshe – “They decomposed (into factors) the Life of Brahma.”
Reading these factor signs from right to left as a product, we have:

6 * 5 * 20 * 1200 * 12 * 12* 5 * 600000 = (360 * 20)2 * 10 * 600000 =
= 311.

Three hundred eleven trillion and forty billion or the number known as the Life of Brahma.

Pic.2 Versus sinus (versin)

I started my own research 35 years ago, having graduated from the Minsk Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Being a student, I had come across the forgotten philosophical legacy of Leo Tolstoy, who was deeply fascinated by ancient Indian scriptures. He wrote: “I compose a series of books with exposition of all large world religions, whose essence in all religions is always the same. It is quite natural that the religion of the Vedas as one of the most ancient and deepest occupies the first place in this series. I want to make a selection of the brightest and deepest sayings from the Vedas”.  He was very much impressed by the Yoga system as exposed by Swami Vivekananda. He confessed: `With big interest and benefit for my spiritual life, I have read all Indian religious books, which have come to me. In 1896, I was acquainted with raja-yoga through a remarkable book by Swami Vivekananda `Philosophy of Yoga.’ The doctrine of yoga is excellent. In this area until now, the humankind stands very far behind Hindus. Such true, high and clear understanding of life makes Vivekananda the true leader of humankind.’

Since that time, influenced by Leo Tolstoy’s views, I began to study and put into practice the yoga precepts. I had been very much disappointed that the greatest Russian writer was absolutely unknown as philosopher in the former Soviet Union. Now, I clearly understand that an attempt to build new just social order without the strong ethical foundation was condemned to failure. Well-known is Tolstoy’s influence on Mahatma Gandhi. Having read some books by Mahatma Gandhi, then Rabindranath Tagore, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and some other Indian philosophers and historians, I began to understand the necessity of studying Sanskrit and ancient Indian scriptures in originals. I began to study Sanskrit, Hindi, Bangla and Tamil. Then I was enough fortunate to become a post-graduate student at the Moscow’s Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

I was lucky to do my studies under the guidance of late Prof. Igor Dmitrievich Serebryakov, then a leading research worker of the Department of Written Sources, a major specialist in Indian literatures and talented translator. He drew my attention to the philosophy of time of Bhartrihari and large calendrical period known as “The Life of Brahma.” Since that time, I started to dwell upon the significance of time in the Vedas and read everything I could come across in the Russian State Library on the Vedas and especially on their connection with astronomy….

Archeographers have already described about two million Sanskrit works, most of which is preserved in manuscript. This is about a hundred thousand books on astronomy and mathematics, logic and epistemology, medicine and gerontology, theories of literature and linguistics, ethics and aesthetics, and thousands and even tens of thousands in other fields of knowledge. At the same time, those works which seem to us to be poems, lyrics, epics, religious or linguistic treatises, mostly belong to exact science.

I will only remark here that this aspect of the history of the Vedas was for a variety of historical and political reasons hidden and highly misunderstood by the world scientific community as well as by professionals involved in Indology and Vedology. History and philosophy of science are under heavy pressure of stereotypes and mysticism, if not mystification, prevailing in the public mind as well as in the scientific publications.

The publications about the scientific achievements of ancient India began to appear with some regularity only after the World War II, when India gained independence in 1947.

Most of the research works is extremely superficial and of descriptive character. Only some rare researchers raise serious questions about the true nature of the Vedic civilization.

Thus, Swami Ramtirtha yet in the nineteenth century attempted to identify the technological implications in his translation and study of the Rig Veda. Then, Aurobindo Ghosh attempted to justify the latent psychic subtext of the Vedas in his book “Secret of the Veda.” But much closer to true understanding of the secret content of the Vedas was Bal Gangadhar Tilak and a number of other researchers who have felt the presence of the hidden mathematical and astronomical content behind the cover of mythology.

In a recent book, “Pride of India”, it is fairly frivolously claimed that at least one person, namely, an American scientist Subhash Kak was able to come close to unraveling the hidden meaning of the Vedas. The authors cite as an example his attempts to find the definition of planetary synodic and sidereal planetary periods through combinations of quantities of hymns in the Rig-Vedic mandalas. This attempt has been made by Subhash Kak as early as 1994 in his book “The Astronomical Code of the Rig-Veda”.

However, his book was published after I had explained in detail my theory of ​​ mandalas calendar combining with demonstration of a number of precise tables at the World Sanskrit Conference in Melbourne in 1994. His good friend Prof. Ms. Rukmani from Canada was among keen listeners. Obviously, Rukmani could explain to him only a general idea that the combinations of hymns in all ten mandalas of the Rig Veda create all basic annual constants ​​and the planetary periods necessary to eternal planetary calendar. He could not coherently explain some ambiguous combinations he found and the principles of ancient Vedic calendar system he tried to reconstruct, though he was very keen to justify the presence of astronomical code in the Rig-Veda. He could not see a clear chronometrical mechanism in the text of the Vedas, without which exact astronomy would not have been possible. Nevertheless, his insistence on this hidden code and its connection with every mantra gave me further impulse in my own research.

As to my own investigations, I had come to conclusion that mythology played a role of a sophisticated astronomical terminology. Devas, so called Gods, represented not the abstract and vague religious or even meteorological notions such as Sun, Moon, Jupiter and so on, but exact astronomical terms essential for strict observation and registration of calendrical time and prediction of eclipses in a certain moment measured in trutis and in a particular degree and second of Zodiac. The meaning of each and every God can be ascertained on the basis of astrosemiology of Yaska and highly developed Vedic literary science if carefully applied and adjusted to astrochronometrical Vedic context. It’s not an easy task. But it can be solved using all definitions of the Gods given in Brahmanas and other exegetical Vedic texts partly represented in the Vaidic Kosha and similar works.

A life-long research led us, me and my wife Nathalia Mikhailov, lecturer in mathematics of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (Gorki, Belarus), to a discovery under a layer of exotic poetry of a set of exact sciences – mathematics, algebra, geometry, programming, binary encoding, cryptography, an artificial language syntax, astronomy, chronology, which had been encrypted in textbooks, bearing the name of the veda-anga (an organic part of the Vedas) and Upavedas (auxiliary sciences)…

Mantras (literally “guardians of thought”) are generally regarded as poetic verses containing fragments of dark mythology. However, using computer, we have been able to consistently read the Vedic mantras and many inscriptions on the Indus valley seals as syncretic codes of numbers, which were used to codify in the 7th millennium B.C., in the era of the formation of a global civilization, Vedic mathematical data of astronomical observations of the most ancient times. So, the Vedic (or Harappan) script has been cracked by us as a mathematical and calendrical code.

The Vedas appeared in the form of binary code:100101100100……

(See Pic. 1 above)


It’s an important Vedic inscription, which I consider a real bilingual as it contains a very clear definition of the well-known astronomical period called the Life of Brahma. Linguistically I read it as “Brahma-ayum-dodohmakshe”, which means “We have factorized the Life of Brahma”. Mathimatically, it’s a multiplication of the following numbers (from right to left): 6 * 5 * 20 * 120 * 12 * 12 * 5 * 6 lakhs.

The product is equal to 311., or three hundred trillion forty billion.

Multiplication is generally applied method of representing large numbers in the Vedas. Shunya-spaces between strokes are read as zeroes.

Almost the same definition of the Life of Brahma is given in the Manava-Dharma-Shastra. And the factors are almost the same. This very number is met several times on the other inscriptions in slightly different representation but always with utmost precision. As this number is crucial for understanding of the Vedic astronomy, I have analyzed it and found out that it’s a description of the duration of a day in very minute units of time, namely in ten thousandth of a second. All its factors are found in different combinations on other inscriptions representing most important astronomical constants such as day and night, different months, years of Lunar and Solar origin and so forth.

The doctrine of Vedic astronomic, algebraic and geometrical codes and the integrated method of Vedic interpretation had been formed in the process of application to the syncretic Vedic text of the algebraic binary code found in the “Chhandah-shastra”, “Science of Encoding and Prosody”, which is considered by Vedic tradition as one of the veda-angas or “vital organs of Vedic science”. I focused my attention at this text after Prof. Ram Karan Sharma brilliantly demonstrated the binary transformations in his paper presented at WSC in Turin in 2000.

When we have understood the true mathematical meaning of the Chandah-shastra and applied its binary code to the Vedic mantras, we have found a large astronomical data-base under the cover of excellent poetry.

So, the Vedas can be rightly understood only in our Integral Hermeneutics of the Vedas, which is based on all 14 Vedic Sciences and six darshanas. Our integral
method has yielded a fruit in the form of reconstruction of ancient Indian higher computational science, the world’s most ancient Chronoprogramming, along with linguistic and mathematical-astronomical codes of the Veda-Samhitas, collections of verse mantras regarded by us as scientific binary formulas. This approach had been outlined by Sayana, a great Vedic commentator of the XIV c.

1.Now after many years of research, we can clearly see the Four Vedas as a complex computer operational system of biochronocomputer based on a solid conceptual foundation, coherent in content and execution.

  1. Our lunar-astronomical interpretation of the abundant astronomical data found in the Vedas permits us to date much more precisely the Rig-Veda and adjacent literature.

3.We have come close to the possibility to read and mathematically decipher the Proto-Indian inscriptions on the seals.

In our books on the Vedas, we give a lot of new evidence to prove our previously formulated theories of interpretation the Veda-Samhitas as the Operational System and Calendar-Astronomical Database of a sophisticated Recitative Mnemonic Analog-Digital BioChronoComputer, which made the Vedas the expression of the higher Vedic computational science, real scientific core of the ChronoCosmos and kernel of spiritual life and unity of the greatest scientifically organized global state of the ancient world – the Vedic superpower (7 – 1st millennium B.C.) – the cradle of all
Indian, Slavic, Asian, African, Western European and American civilizations.

We find the same mathematical and astronomical codes in the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad-Gita and the Ramayana.

For example, “The Bhagavad Gita” symbolically consisting of 18 chapters as the Mahabharata itself was read exactly in 5 hours 48 min. and 29 sec.

This is an astronomical intercalation inserted at the end of 365 civil days of the solar year in order to get the exact value of the Tropical Year.

That is why the most important ethical treatise outlining the dialectical universal ethics had been superimposed on this crucial chronometric text.

It is still not understood, and the text is mainly interpreted in a mystical spirit.

Another example shows obvious connection of the Ramayana with the spherical geometry. The image of a six-legged sage Sharabhanga from the book “Youth” of the Ramayana is symbolical representation of the VERSUS SINUS used even now in very precise measurements of the trajectory of cosmic bodies.

(See pic.2 Versus sinus)

(Note 32 to Chapter 1 of the First book, “Youth”).

Shara-bhanga (“Broken Arrow“) is the name of a rishi from the forest Dandaka (3-day new moon period). Shara – flash – once it was an important astronomical and trigonometric term for versinus (versinus, versed sine, sinus versus or flipped sine – literary “Rotated”, broken-down, opposite, horizontal sine, also called the sagitta, “arrow”. Versinus is trigonometric function of the angle equal to one minus the cosine of the angle.

The astronomical paradigm was the basis of all phenomena of culture in ancient India.

Ancient Vedic cities had a strict astronomical orientation.

The ancient theaters were oriented in the same way.

All Vedic sciences beginning with the Fifth Veda or Bharatiya-Natya-Shastra and finishing with the 64 Vidyas and Puranas were described according to this calendrical encyclopedic paradigm.

The new Belarusian theory of Integral Vedic Hermeneutics dealing with the recently reconstructed operational system CATUR-VEDA of the Vedic calendar-computer (KALA-CAKRA-MANTRA-YANTRA) and its digital codes and ciphers is formulated in a series of publications in Russian and English.

First, this theory had been developed during my research on philosophy of Kshemendra, Kashmirian polymath of the XI c., launched in 1991-1992 by the Foundation for Basic Research of the Republic of Belarus.

But the first exposition of our discovery had been made only in an article published in 1994 in Belarusian. Then a book of study and translations of Kshemendra’s satires and didactic poems with spacious comments describing my calendrical Vedic theory was published in 1999 in Orsha in my own redaction and on my mother’s money.

In 2010, I republished this book in two volumes as translations of Kshemendra’s Satires and Ethical Poems containing the original concept of the integral interpretation of the Vedas.

In 2000, a small pamphlet in Russian entitled “The Vedic Metacode” was published.

After my participation in the World Sanskrit Conference in Bangalore in 1997, my research attracted interest of Prof. Suresh Upadhyaya, Director of post-graduate
studies of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Bombay. Three years later, in 2001 in Bombay, he published my book written in English and entitled “Rigvedic Studies”.

A detailed Russian account of the integral hermeneutics of the Vedas, the description of 12 digital codes and my decoding of the Vedic (Harappan) script was published in three volumes in 2004 under the title “Key to the Vedas.” Then in 2005, the first volume of that book have been translated and published in English.

Finally, I republished the Russian “Key to the Vedas” in six volumes describing the contradictory development of vedology, the global spread of Slavic-Vedic civilization, the development of exact sciences in the Vedas, the emergence and nature of Vedic science, the principles of multiple digital Vedic encodings and encryptions as well as the detailed exposition of our epoch-making mathematical and astronomical decipherment of the Vedic (Harappan) script.

Now, I’m continuing the translation of the Key to the Vedas into English, deciphering the Vedas according to the principles of this integral mathematical-astronomical hermeneutics.

Your question

About Us

M. I. Mikhailov, Russian indologist, specialised in ancient Indian literature, translator and editor



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