Mikhailov M. I. & Mikhailova N. S.



About this book.

This INTEGRAL HERMENEUTICS is the first volume of a three-volume book `Key to the Vedas’ dedicated to a stupendous achievement in the field of new Vedic integral hermeneutics, to the reconstruction of the ancient Indian higher computing science, principles of ancient chronoprogramming, and deciphering of the Vedic (Indus Valey) script. The second volume is dedicated to description and decoding of linguistic-mathematical-astro­no­mi­cal codes of the Veda-sanhitas with tables and calculations. The third volume contains mathematical-astronomical-linguistical deciphering of the Vedic 

Vedas are collections of scientific formulae in the form of poetic mantras. Vedic mantras (liter. `guardians of ideas’,) as a rule, are treated as poetic stanzas or magic spells containing mainly inconsis­tent and dark fragments of mythological and poetic character. With the help of computer, we managed to read them as digital codes in accord with the mathematically and calendrically read inscriptions on Indus seals, in which the mathematical data of astronomical observations of hoary antiquity were codified during the formation period of the global Vedic civilization.

The doctrine of the Vedic cryptic astronomical, algebraic and geometrical codes and the method of integrated Vedic interpretation was formulated during application to the Vedic syncretic text of the algebraic binary code, which was discovered in ChandahShastra‘ (‘Science of Encoding’) of Pingala, which was the important algebraic Vedic Science of en­coding and metrics. It is considered by the Vedic tradition as one of the Vedangas (`the vital organs’ or the most important Vedic sciences.)

The code was created by means of Vedic Sanskrit, a special programming language. Its development in a Vedanga treatise, presumptively, had been necessitated by enciphering and subsequent preservation in memory of large astronomical tables and files of astronomical data, which reached us in the form of the Vedas (`Data’, `Sciences’,) Tantras (`couplers of astro-ethical manu­als’,) Itihasas (`exact astro-mythological socio-ethical poems’,) Puranas (`astroencyclopedias’) and Siddhantas (`Doctrines’.)

The book treats the four Vedas with adjacent literature as an integrated whole with a unique hidden plan, homogenous in content and form. It puts forward a new lunar-astronomical dating of the Rig-Veda based on this vision and astronomical ascertaining of the place of origin of the Vedic science. It contains also a mathematical-astronomical decoding of the Proto-Indian script and gives new proofs of the theory formulated by authors previously that the Veda-Sanhitas formed an operational system and calendrical astronomical database of the recital-mnemonic analog-digital chrono-computer.

R. K. Sharma’s Note

R. K. Sharma

Formerly Vice Chancellor, S. Sanskrit University, Varanasi;

President, International Asso. of Sanskrit Studies

Date   Sep. 29, 2002

Some eminent Indian and European scholars who tried to find KEY TO THE VEDAS

Mikhailov M. I. & Mikhailova N. S.

Calendar app RigTime v. 0.1

This app shows calendar paradigms inbuilt in the Rigvedic mandalas, hymns and mantras combinations. The combinations of hymns and mantras organized in cycles called mandalas correspond with seasons, solar draconic and tropical years and such cycles as Saros, Meton, and cycle of the Lunar nodes.



Supercharge your calendar with ancient Vedic concepts. 

Vedic calendar recitation was in ancient India the most important time-management tool. Not the humble calendar of today, but a sophisticated chronocomputer based on the strict astronomical observation, binary and decimal coding. The Vedic calendar was important not only for harmonius function of truly cosmic civilization, but also for the profound and all-encompassing chronology and chronometry, the true foundation of all science and philosophy of Time.

The tables of this app show Lunar and Solar eclipses of a Meton cycle and corresponding mandala combinations. Presently You can see and recalculate some of the most important calendar blocks of the Rigveda.
Best seen on a large display.



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A temple with over 30,000 images of Snakes, established by Bhargavarama,Parashurama in Kerala

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About Us

M. I. Mikhailov, Russian indologist, specialised in ancient Indian literature, translator and editor



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